Hellraiser Hellworld Movie Review

After being drug through the mud for the last 3 films, the 8th film in the Hellraiser franchise sought to bury the series. At least, that's what it looks like in Hellraiser Hellworld, where 5 generic friends embark on a generic adventure towards a generic horror (blog post) where generic terror awaits them. To top (blog) it all off... funny movies

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Killjoy 2 Movie Review

Every time I see one of these movies, I am left wondering just how they managed to get so many sequels, because if you thought Killjoy 1 was bad Killjoy 2 review OH BOY you haven't seen Killjoy 2 yet.In this installment, we get less of the clown, on less sets, with far less creativity or visibility and an even less coherent plot and less reasoning

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Decker Shado Skinned Deep (2004)

A homage to classic grindhouse horror cinema from 2004, Skinned Deep doesn't shy away from its inspiration at all in its aesthetic. Presented in a 4 by 3 aspect ratio, with heavy film new update grain and overdubbed dialogue, you don't even need the story of a middle-of-nowhere family of maniacs to make this one feel unnerving.Oh, but it's about a

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Is Leprechaun 7 worth the time?

Origins is a bad movie. Lionsgate, copyright Studios and copyright Studios released an inane remake of the Leprechaun horror hero from the early 1990s eleven years after the last Leprechaun film. Original series ran for 10 years. Six pictures were included, including one featuring the Leprechaun in Space. This remake does not resemble the original.

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Decker Shado Watches Drive Thru (Video)

Summary: Drive Thru. To free the community from a deadly clown, a high school student original source must fight.Feelings Regarding Drive Thru: The March of the Clowns is returning! Start the year with 2007's Drive Thru, a CLOWN-themed horror film. This is a fast food mascot. However, just a little portion of the film is set at said restaurant, l

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